Sunday, February 16, 2020
Redemption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Redemption - Research Paper Example In the article, Narrative Antecedents of Pedro Paramo, Paramo exhibits a significant influence on different characters making them to cling into fragile illusions of redemption. Both Susana and Fulgor Sedano are major characters in the novel who have a major influence in plot development. This essay will therefore explore the memory of each character through their relationship with Pedro. The essay will also explore the fragile illusion exhibited by the different characters through their relationship with Pedro. Susan is a major character in the novel and the author uses her influence and relationship with Pedro in theme and plot development. Susan and Pedro grew up together and therefore their relationship is based on their childhood memories. The most significant aspect of their relationship is their endless love. Although Pedro was influential, his love affairs with Susana are based on love and mutual understanding. On the other hand, Susana is attached to Pedro through his past m emories of a loveless life. Although Susan ended up being married to another man, her love for Pedro did not end. Romantic love is therefore, the first relationship between the two characters. The existence of love between the two characters is the basis of other relationships that are exhibited by the two characters throughout the novel. ... Her secrete admiration for Pedro is based on her relationship with her past husband. Although she was married, she never loved him as he loved Pedro. This made her to have endless fantasies about Pedro particularly his body was among her dreams. Susan could not divorce her husband for Pedro and therefore she considered Pedro as her virtual husband. Fulgor is another influential charter that the writer of the book uses for theme and plot development. The author uses his relationship with Pedro to achieve these objectives. Although Pedro has an influential personality, he considers Fulgor been significant for his success. The two characters therefore have equal influence on each other. Firstly, Fulgor is an influential administrator who uses his positions to increase his holdings or wealth. (Rulfo 82) Although Fulgor has authoritative positions, he was unable to achieve his ambitions due to lack of effective people skills. Pedro assumes the position of Fulgor’s personal advisor. Although the relationship is beneficial for both characters, Pedro achieves more gains from the relationship than Fulgor. Fulgor’s ambitions to achieve wealth hindered him from perceiving the gains that Pedro was making from their relationship. In addition, his poor people skills prevented him from looking for an alternative advisor. It is evident that Pedro had excellent people skills that he achieved through manipulation of different people in order to achieve his personal goals. Both Fulgor and Pedro depended on these aspects for their existence. Although Pedro acted as Fulgor’s personal advisor, he required him for his personal success and survival. The administrative position that Fulgor held was an essential requirement for Pedro’s
Monday, February 3, 2020
Digital Technology and Cinema Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Digital Technology and Cinema Culture - Essay Example Let the paper analyze some of the specific examples that had some direct positive impact over the cinema culture and its horizon. The simplest example is that of video editing that comprised extensive efforts and demanded a huge amount of money before the technology entered the market. However, with the digital revolution, the visual effects tools made it easier for the filmmakers to manipulate the video in any form they wanted with desired animation and other editing. In 1984, computers such as Macintosh came in the market that were specially designed to have a graphical user interface, these were first ever of its kind that penetrated into the world of cinema giving it even more fame and multiplicity (Willis, pp.7, 2005). More tools such as Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash and all the other kinds gave more horizon to the cinema culture and gave the filmmakers access to perform multiple tasks with perfection and novelty. The seque nces of images, special effects, distinctive colouring, imaginative animations and much more merely became possible with digital technology revolution (Willis, pp.7-8, 2005). It helped the cinema culture attract and gain more audience as compared to the earlier decades. Subsequently, when producing a film became comparatively hassle-free, more people started investing in this business and thus, the number cinemas grew with an increasing film being produced every year with the use of digital technology. Apart from the latest technological tools used by the cinema industry, the inventions such as newly-designed cameras and video-capturing tools that had modernized elements with specially designed features and functions made the videos look a lot more fascinating and compelling. On the contrary, cinema might have assumed new venues of popularity and fame due to digital technology and its implications on the cinema culture but, on the other hand, digital technology penetrated in the mar ket in such a fast pace that people became more interested in buying those technologies and making them a part of their aesthetically designed house. People started enjoying their micro cinemas at home rather than taking out time and going to the proper cinemas outside their comfortable houses (Lister, pp.22-23, 2001). The preference of buying techno products such as plasma screens, advanced audio speakers and other appliances became more preferable and a status quo than being interested in going to the cinemas to watch movies and other shows. It is possible that many of us must have heard about Marshall McLuhan’s popular phrase Medium is the Message. McLuhan, quite reasonably and with valid points, suggests that the medium that is used to convey any type of message or information holds a significant importance in the pace of that information being carried to the receivers (Yamamoto, pp. 500-501, 1998). It depends on the medium that is used to convey a message, that how long would it take for the message to reach to its targeted audience and how far would the message go. Thus, the influence of the message is not the message itself but, the way used to send it. This means that the receivers or the intended message focus more upon and take more interest over the kind of medium utilized. Their preference depends upon how effective is the medium and how much do they like it. The acceptability of the message is thus a later factor. In the same way, it is said that cinema comprises those elements that lure and attract the young generation more than any
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