Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Structure, methodologies and approach towards employee satisfaction and motivation
Structure, systems and approach towards worker fulfillment and inspiration The contextual investigation follows over Volkswagen, (South Africas) association review featuring the structure, procedures and approach towards representative fulfillment and inspiration. The whole background of the contextual analysis is about Volkswagens inward authoritative conduct, the executives rehearses and their successful usage. In this specific situation, the task is focussed at first on the innovatory measures recommending right heading to hold workforce loyalty and commitment towards an association. Volkswagen is among the couple of associations accepted to deliver world class vehicles, and stands apart recognize, henceforth the obligation and related level of desires are higher. Thinking about the serious condition, todays representative is insightful yet requesting and henceforth it has gotten progressively entangled to live up to their objective desires. The administration of VW (SA) is perseveringly connected with to determine the issues relating to representatives monetary steadiness, proficient movement, remunerations and benefits, testing and exceptionally prepared encompassing. In expansion to this the organization has immensely changed its social qualities. The starting part expounds the administration and authoritative conduct practices of VW (SA), talking about the essential destinations, current circumstance and future possibilities deciding explicit objectives. Representative inspiration is fundamental to keep dynamic working of an association. The transitional bit of the task is stressed on the noteworthiness of worker prompting and inspirational systems by talking about four significant speculations of workforce inspiration and basic examination of Volkswagen (SAs) activities towards representative inspiration techniques. The later part focuses on the significance of collaborators to amalgamate and work as a solitary unit. Cooperation presents a sound culture that qualities collective endeavors and the group immovably has confidence in speculation, arranging, examining, choosing and working along with participation. Collaborations with uplifting perspectives and right way are inescapable to succeed. Basic conversation depends on the originations and inventive thoughts by which VW (SA) can guarantee their groups to deliver effective cooperative energy and higher efficiency. List of chapters: Official SUMMARY 1. Presentation 1 2. VW (SAs) Management Organizational Behavior 1 2.1 Overview 1 2.2 VWs Behavioral Management Practice 1 (I) In Context of Behavioral Management Theories 2 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice 2 (I) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories 3 3. Inspiration 3 3.1 Theories of Motivation 4 3.2 Analyzing VWs Employee Motivation Strategy 5 (I) Structuring Remuneration Package and Benefits 5 (ii) Stipulating Fundamental Equipment 6 (iii) Leadership Training and Development 6 (iv) Open Lines of Communication 7 (v) Professional Content and Indemnity 7 (vi) Company Values 8 (vii) Service Excellence Culture 8 4. Meaning of a Proficient Team 9 4.1 Team Contribution to Enhance Productivity 9 (I) Credence on the Leadership 9 (ii) Solidarity of the Members 10 (iv) Articulate Objective 10 (v) Colloquial Ambiance Group Participation 10 (vi) Dissolving Perplexity 10 (vii) Constructive Criticism 10 5. Techniques to Ensure VWs (SA) Labor Efficiency 10 5.1 Appropriate Selection 11 5.2 Specifying Codes of Conduct 11 5.3 Establish Substantial Goals 11 5.4 Praise and Appreciation 11 5.5 Developing Sense of Direction 11 5.6 Building Team Spirit 11 5.7 Employee Empowerment 12 6. Convincing Remarks 12 7. List of sources 13 8. Reference sections 14 (I) Appendix A 14 (ii) Appendix B 14 (iii) Appendix C 15 Page # 1 1. Presentation: Present day worldwide world is included organizations and undertakings having exceptionally talented, educated, complex and definitive workforce, with significantly expanding job. Associations execution and profitability is straightforwardly affected by the responsibility and dependability of its representatives. Todays serious expert environment has constrained the consideration of the associations to capture the criticalness of representative maintenance and in this manner obliged them to create methodologies custom fitted to satisfy worker fulfillment. The supportability of an association is exposed to the general outskirts and conditions which influence its development and improvement. The model worker situated culture speaks to address condition, challenges, singular turn of events, acknowledgment and exact rousing stratagem. Compromise of successful initiative and steady workforce while applying the inspirational perspectives and right attitude represents higher efficiency of a n association. 2. VW (SAs) MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL Behavior 2.1 Overview: Volkswagen of South Africa was built up in 1946, and is claimed auxiliary of VW Aktiengessellschaft (VWAG) in Germany, situated in Uitenhage. VW bunch is the universes fourth-biggest car maker, and the biggest vehicle maker in Europe, comprising eight brands and works 44 assembling offices found in 12 European and 6 different nations in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Monitoring its esteemed assertion in the car business, the association is engaged and reliably drew in to elevate its profile. So as to accomplish the ideal degree of efficiency, interior and outside consumer loyalty and repayment must be organized. VWs splendid methodology producers have secured the circumstance and are ceaselessly engaged with creating arrangements for the instigation of workers to guarantee their maintenance. 2.2 VWs Behavioral Management Practice: Representative positive or negative connection with its association and its administration depends fair and square of fulfillment. An individual is persuaded to work capably when given proper Page # 2 workplace with adequate gear. The conduct at work is straightforwardly influenced by the general environment, the relationship with collaborators, work conditions and prerequisites, the compensation bundle and expert soundness. The administration should constantly practice to assess and address valuably the necessities and requests of its workers to increase agreeable and beneficial representative conduct. (I) In Context of Behavioral Management Theories: Behavior examination is the investigation of individual cooperation with the earth and the board of such conduct is a basic component described to create direct impact on the benefit of an association. The baffling conduct of a representative is an away from of the framework disappointment as the general laborers conduct is the impression of the administration approaches. Sound arrangements tending to representatives needs including employer stability, quiet climate, specified fundamental gear, equity and expert movement is bound to deliver the variety of workforce basic for a continuous profitable association. Mary Parkers social administration hypothesis centers around the way that powerful initiative is the way to propel representatives and for that evaluation of their activity improvement limit will profit. A Hawthorne study features the significance of watching the recurrence of practices and their yields. A prompt input on execu tion with adequate data for self rectification is important to improve working. VWs approach towards group building meeting is considerable and is right way. In any case, representatives of today are not limited to data rather ready to partake, share and talk about their own perspectives and imaginative thoughts for usage. The laborer knows about the qualities and shortcomings applicable to the activity and is the person who has unnecessary information and order over it and thus realizes how to control and improve the errand. 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice: Workforce of an association is basically constrained to work inside gatherings where conduct of representatives may differ as per the applicable conditions, work conditions physical or mental state. Given the circumstance the earth of an association is established in the conduct of its workers. Authoritative condition must be inviting, steady and valuable by permitting the administration and the normal representatives to examine and impart their insights. Page # 3 Dynamic associations are slanted towards building brilliant work status and esteemed environment for their workforce so as to accomplish wanted outcomes. (I) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories: An association is involved a gathering of individuals and assets united basically for collaboration and cognizant coordination to obtain a typical reason or a goal. The endurance of an excellent situation is exposed to its balance. There are a few procedures continuous at the same time inside an association and the significant trouble is with proposing any difference in structure on the grounds that once the structure is created it prevents to adjust to ecological changes. Understanding the contrast among formal and casual correspondence turns into a troublesome undertaking for administration. The hierarchical condition speculations underline the inside and outside connections; outer assets fill in as sources of info which are additionally handled into products and ventures bringing about completed yields in the earth. An open framework is normally cooperates with the earth while the shut framework is conceited and as a rule negl ects to be acknowledged. VWs the executives is reliably attempting to build up a culture of greatness where the right to speak freely of discourse, casual association, and administration quality gatherings can be done as easygoing practices. The idea is honorable yet testing. The possibility hypothesis accentuates that the administration must be adaptable to respond to natural changes. Present day and innovative associations have probability to change the conventiona
Saturday, August 22, 2020
John F. Kennedy Essay -- essays research papers
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was conceived May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, into probably the wealthiest family in the United States. All around called "JFK," he turned into a mogul at 21 years old when his dad gave him one million dollars, yet governmental issues and sports were of significantly more significance to him. He cherished touch football, tennis, golf, cruising, and swimming. JFK went to Princeton University and Harvard, moving on from that point cum laude. He went to Stanford University business college before serving in the U.S. Naval force. He was a maritime saint during World War 11 when his PT pontoon was sliced down the middle and he assisted with sparing the lives of his team. Returning after the war, he was chosen for Congress in 1946 and to the Senate in 1948 and was famous, popular, and attractive. He had a fine comical inclination and was a decent speaker. On September 12, l953, JFK wedded Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. They had three youngsters , yet one, Patrick, conceived during Kennedy's term of office, kicked the bucket in early stages. JFK increased national noticeable quality when he gave the keynote address at the 1956 Democratic National Convention. In 1960, when the Democrats assigned JFK over Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy requested that Johnson be his Vice President. Kennedy and his rival, occupant Vice President Richard M. Nixon, introduced another time with a progression of four broadcast Presidential discussions. In November 1960, JFK turned into the most youthful man at any point chose President. (Theodore Roosevelt was 42 when he took over after McKinley's ...
Thursday, July 30, 2020
On Essay Writing
On Essay Writing Hello there. Normally, I’d spend a few minutes trying to come up with a pithy line or a catchy hook to convince you to read the rest of this blog post, but unfortunately, the circuits in my brain in charge of expository writing are a bit fried. But please, I promise there’s a guide to essay writing buried somewhere here in all these words. Over the last three weeks, Ive been spending most of my free time on medical school applications, writing essays, or at the very least agonizing about writing essays. In what was most likely just another subconscious procrastination scheme, I collected some data from my work and tabulated them here. Secondary applications submitted: 7 Secondary applications pending: 7 Essays completed: 16 Essays pending: 17 and counting Total word count: 4,260 Total character count: 25,664 Number of times the space bar was used in final drafts: 4,234 The sum of all of these numbers: 34,205 You know what else is 34000+? The number of cities that Airbnb services! Hooray for numbers that add no value to our lives. ***Airbnb is not paying me to say this, I swear. I just googled 34,000+ and this is what came up. The point being: its exhausting. The process, at least the first two parts, is reminiscent of the college application process which, if I remember correctly, starts in the summer, kicks into high gear in the fall and then enters into a frenzy of last minute essays and application portal crashes in the last months of the year. For those of you already familiar with the application process for medical school, skip ahead past the italics to the actual guide! For those of you unfamiliar, Ive included a quick primer here for context: A Rough Timeline for Medical School Applications Infanthood high-school-hood: live life and consider maybe becoming a doctor (if you really want a leg up on the competition, get a head start in the womb!). Freshman year sophomore year: start checking off required/recommended courses (i.e. biology, organic chemistry, physics), sign up for extracurricular activities and explore career paths (finding yourself is optional). Junior year: take the MCAT, meet with the pre-health committee to prepare a committee letter (a compilation of all letters of recommendations), request letters from professors, advisors etc. June between junior and senior year: complete the AMCAS primary application. The primary application is like the Common App and includes coursework info, extracurricular activities, and a personal statement. The same application is sent to whichever schools you designate (although there are a few that dont participate). July-August between junior and senior year: complete secondary applications for each school that offers one. Secondary applications are unique to each school and generally include requests for more essays as well as any additional information they might need. Senior fall and winter: spend large sums of money to fly around the country and interview at schools. Senior spring: get accepted! (??!?!) The kicker? Primary and secondary applications are generally accepted on a rolling basis which means they start reading the applications as soon as they come in and they start offering interviews and acceptances as soon as they find qualified individuals. That means the longer you wait, the smaller the statistical probability of your acceptance gets. And now, for the actual guide I promised. I’ve compiled some advice, tips, and essay writing methods here that I’ve gathered over the years and that I wish I’d had four years ago when applying to college. I don’t claim to be an expert at essay writing by any means, but I mean, even the dullest tool in the shed gets wet when it falls into the well, right? (That’s definitely a real saying and not a poorly constructed mixed metaphor that I just made up.) The points are divided into the three phases of essay writing â€" before, during, and after â€" and despite the highly specific title in this posts tagline, they can be applied to essay writing or applications of any sort. Everyone works in different ways though, so if some of the things I do sound useless and unhelpful, then ignore them! Ok, let’s get started with this Guide to Essay Writing for the Express Purpose of Obtaining Admittance to an Institute of Higher Learning: Before: Essay writing for the express purpose of obtaining admittance to an institute of higher learning can be started before the essay prompts even become available. Being self-aware and reflective are two traits that will serve you well in life for many reasons, but having the foresight to exercise these traits early in life will make your essay-writing life a whole lot easier. 1. Start a CliffsNotes version of your life. Literally. Buy a notebook or create a new word document and start recording important thoughts, actions, and experiences from your life for easy reference in the future. You wouldn’t have to keep a daily journal of your life (although that would not be a bad thing!). Just jot down things that seem significant at the time. Even if you only update the CliffsNotes once a month or twice a year, anything will help when you sit down to actually start writing. The hardest part about essay writing for me is actually coming up with a worthwhile idea. This can be difficult if the prompt asks you to recall a time in your life when something happened but you can’t quite recall all of the things in your life that you once thought were important. It’s a relatively low cost and potentially high reward exercise that can help facilitate essay ideation. At the very least, it will provide you with something amusing to read thirty years down the line. “But what sort of things qualify as ‘important’ or ‘significant’?†Good question. 2. Know the questions they will inevitably be asking. It is a truth universally acknowledged that at some point in the application process, you will be confronted by a few ever present buzzwords, like LEADERSHIP!, DIVERSITY!!, TEAMWORK!!!, and ADVERSITY!!!! So don’t be surprised when they appear, usually in some variation of the “Tell me about a time when ___†prompt. Jot down examples that address these application juggernauts in the CliffsNotes version of your life. If you have obvious examples of leadership or teamwork then go ahead and list those roles, including also dates and time spent on each, which will come in handy years later when you are scrounging through weeks of your google calendar trying to figure these things out after the fact (I speak from experience). But also note down experiences that might be less title driven. Not everyone has been president of the student body or chair of a committee, so take note of moments when you might have exhibited these traits in a more understated way. Be aware of how you act in certain situations and reflect on whether or not you have been able to demonstrate strength in these common traits. Other buzzwords might also appear depending on specifically what you are applying for. For example, a med school application is definitely going to be asking you why you want to go to med school and whether or not you’ve participated in volunteering and shadowing experiences. Keep track of these as well. Finally, though I wouldn’t go so far as to say that you should pick your interests and activities solely in order to answer an essay prompt, I will say that it is naïve to think that you can get away with not fulfilling any of these expectations. Consider your own motivations and reasons for wanting to apply and consider what they in turn expect from applicants. Ideally, these would align, but if not, just be aware these gaps and how you might want to fill them in while planning your activities and personal development. During: So the applications have opened and it is now essay writing open season. This section of the guide covers the process from the moment the prompts are released to the sweet, sweet moment you click submit and the burdens of writing a good essay dissipate, only to be replaced by the gnawing anxiety of wondering whether or not they thought it was good enough. 1. Read the prompts immediately. Whether or not you are racing a hard deadline or a self-imposed rolling application deadline, you can benefit from reading the prompts as soon as possible. Sure, you might not actually get around to writing for another three months, but it’s important to be aware of what sort of answers you are looking for. It’s like priming your brain for a lightbulb moment. Inspiration can lurk in the most mundane and unexpected places but its value can only be understood by those who are prepared to recognize it. 2. Optimize your work environment. Everyone has a slightly different work style which means changes in environmental parameters can lead to improved or decreased work productivity. Some people thrive on the ambient sounds of their local coffee shop while others gag at the smell of coffee. Pretty sure you aren’t going to be producing your finest work while reflexively gagging every few minutes. Parameters to consider: location, snacks, sounds, personal comfort, etc. Experiment with mixing and matching different parameters until you find a set-up that feels most comfortable for you. For brainstorming, I’m partial to lying on the carpet in my living room floor with a bottle of water and my Spotify playlist drifting through a pair of earbuds. I’ve also found that listening to instrumental dramatic film scores can be extremely motivating. For work, silence is crucial and I usually sit at a desk in a library with a stick of gum to keep me awake but no food or drink to distract me. 3. Talk to people. Talk to them about some of the essay prompts and pick their brains. Sometimes hearing other people’s stories can help trigger associations of your own. Use a friend or a family member as a sounding board for your ideas. In the ensuing dialogue you can gain feedback about the impact and perception of whatever ideas are floating around in your brain. 4. Still feeling stuck? Try these random brainstorming strategies: a. Stream of consciousness â€" Set a timer (I usually go for two or five minutes depending on how ambitious I’m feeling), reread the essay prompt, then proceed to spend the allotted time typing out every single thought that pops into your mind. It’s important that you do not filter these thoughts. Forget about punctuation or sentence structure or grammar or capitalization. My streams often start with full sentences or thoughts, eventually devolving into fragments of phrases and ideas, peppered with the occasional complaint and unrelated tangent. If for some reason your brain thinks the word “mayonnaise†while you are typing, you are obliged to type the word “mayonnaise†exactly as it appeared in your stream of consciousness. #nofilter The purpose of this exercise is to allow your mind to freely associate different ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Often when we are brainstorming, we filter ideas out that we think are bad, but this precludes all of the constructive free associations that might have come from that bad idea. The exercise also forces your thoughts to be continuously moving. Another brainstorming pitfall is stalling and fixating on one idea. However, because the only premise of this activity is that you literally don’t stop typing for even one second, your brain is forced to constantly be coming up with new thoughts. Admittedly most of what you write will be garbage, but once you sift through the gibberish, it can be useful for uncovering ideas and topics that you might not have considered before. b. Bullet points â€" This is essentially a more concise version of the stream of consciousness in that you write down every single idea you have, both the good and the bad, as quickly as you can in bullet form. Then, you go back and write one or two sentences under each bullet, elaborating on how that idea might be constructed into an essay. If after you’ve written all the ideas down, some of them still seem like dead ends, cross them out and keep on paring the list down until you have just one or two ideas that you might seriously consider. Use this strategy in lieu of the stream of consciousness only if you are confident in your ability to leave your thoughts unfiltered. c. Staring at the ceiling â€" I do some of my best thinking while lying on the carpet and staring at the ceiling. Not really sure if this one is translatable to the general public but if you are at an absolute loss, give it a try! I think it helps because it allows my body to completely relax while my mind continues to grapple with the essay prompts. d. Writing by hand â€" The benefit of writing by hand is two fold. For one, the tactile experience of physically writing out your thoughts can potentially be enough of a change to generate some new thoughts. Furthermore, you can doodle aimlessly in the corner and then angrily scribble out the bad ideas, which is therapeutic and calming. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, writing by hand means you aren’t on your laptop which means that pesky thing we call the internet cannot lure you to the wayside with its siren song of distractions galore. 5. Just write. Sometimes the hardest part about writing is simply getting started. Once again, our internal filter can be our own worst enemy. For me, writing the first sentence is difficult because I spend too much time trying to make it perfect and that inhibits me from writing anything at all. Let’s just get this out of the way now: your first draft isn’t going to be perfect. You’re going to reread it later and realize that you weren’t as eloquent as you had first imagined. Take comfort in the fact that sometimes it isnt possible for you to determine the absolute best course of action from a purely conceptual standpoint. In this case, you shouldnt dwell on unknowable things. I’ve learned in other aspects of life, too, that instead of agonizing over what the perfect choice is, it is more efficient and productive to run with the best idea you have with the given information, test that idea out, evaluate its shortcomings, make adjustments, and repeat. Once you have your idea, just start writing. It’s ok if you end up writing the most generic opening line in the history of opening lines. It’s just a draft. You can fix it. You can even scrap the entire thing if it really is that terrible. But at the very least, you’ve narrowed down your options and you know what doesn’t work, which will ultimately help you craft a better, more polished essay. 6. But don’t forget to give yourself a break. This one is fairly self-explanatory but worth repeating. At first, after receiving the secondary applications and starting the clock on the rolling admissions process, I felt guilty every time I watched a movie or read a book. Every moment I spent having fun was another hundredth of a percentage point being chipped away from my acceptance probability. In retrospect, past-me-from-two-weeks-ago really needed to calm down. You can’t force quality writing. It isn’t one of those things where if you scrunch your forehead wrinkles extra hard and chant “I think I can I think I can I think I canâ€, something will magically happen. Yes, you have to put the time and the effort in and you have to work hard, but you should also be comfortable with the fact that sometimes, the time just isnt right. Walk away and come back later. There is such a thing as burning yourself out. That’s why, if you really want to write a great essay, you can’t start at the absolute last minute. You have to leave time for the natural ebb and flow of your writing to happen. So, don’t forget to give yourself a break. Relax a little. Like an oil change, its just another necessary part of the process. 7. While having a third-party read over and edit your work is great, try a few of these self-editing strategies too: a. Oldie but goodie: Leave it for a day and read it again with fresh eyeballs. You know how when you reread your favorite book, you end up kind of just skimming it because you already know what’s going to happen? The words aren’t really there to help you discover the story anymore but rather to remind you of the story you remember. This happened to me a lot of with the first three Harry Potter books. The plot and characters became so familiar that my eyes would involuntarily skip entire words and phrases as my mind filled in the blanks. I think the same thing happens when you reread your own essay over and over again right after you’ve written it. You literally just pulled those sentences out of your brain twenty minutes ago so when you go in for the reread, you might be inadvertently skimming your work and glossing over the things that need fixing. However, if you come back to the essay the next day or perhaps a few days later, you can attack it with fresh eyeballs and a somewhat more neutral perspective. b. Also oldie but also goodie: Read it out loud. Reading it out loud can help you recognize awkward phrasings, grammatical errors, or illogical breaks. This is essentially a variation of the Fresh Eyeballs Theorem which posits that you are more likely to catch errors in your own work when you change the lens through which you are viewing things. In the last case, waiting a day or two was a temporal change. Here, the change from visual input to auditory input can be enough to refocus your attention and help you catch those pesky mistakes. c. Print out a physical copy and whip out your trusty red pen. Another example of the Fresh Eyeballs Theorem. This time, you are swapping out the glare of a computer screen for printed ink on smooth white paper. The red pen is just an added bonus. d. Change the font in your word processor. This option is for the environmentally friendly essay writer who wants to save the planet one piece of paper at a time, or who maybe just doesn’t have access to a printer. Feel free to get funky with this one and try reading your essay in Broadway, Chiller, or even the oft reviled Comic Sans. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, might I suggest Wingdings 2? In all seriousness though, changing the font will alter how you view the text and since spacing and word placement will change too, it’s especially helpful for catching the purely formatting related issues. 8. Find a way to motivate yourself by setting goals with a friend or with yourself. If self-imposed deadlines alone are not getting the job done, try teaming up with a friend to hold each other accountable. Sometimes the fear of breaking a promise to a good friend is enough to kick your butt into action. But if it’s not, come up with silly “penalties†like putting two dollars into a donut fund jar for every day you miss your deadline. Or award yourself for a job well done, such as eating a donut for every essay you finish by a designated day. Don’t like donuts? Well tough luck. I have nothing to say to you. After: Congratulations! You’re free! But now what? 1. Relax. It’s out of your hands. I’m stating the obvious here, but I think a lot of people need to be reminded of this from time to time (myself included). Think about literally anything except essay writing because there is absolutely nothing you can do to change anything! You put your all into those applications and essays and now it’s time to enjoy your hard-earned free time. For the worriers out there, I suggest distracting yourself with friends, family, and whatever it is that you do for fun. I personally have a long list of films and books I’m hoping to get to after this is all over. The End Thank you for reading this Guide to Essay Writing for the Express Purpose of Obtaining Admission to an Institute of Higher Learning :) I’m only halfway through my applications though so I’d be curious to hear what you think about the essay writing process and how all of you go about knocking these out of the park!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Personality Assessment Of Personality Assessments
Assessment of Personality This paper introduces the overview of personality assessment approaches in use currently in society. It proceeds to review the big five personality measures, its validity in prediction of personality types (Archer, 2011). The topic on MIPS questionnaires use in personality measurements and scoring methods used by the system is reviewed. Aspects on the social desirability trait and the distortion produced in responses to evaluation questionnaires, being a significant part of the problems in personality assessment is examined. Social desirability does not have an influence on the predictive validity of personality assessments. It is not related to performance in the job. Various strategies used for reduction of social desirability have been studied. The various tools used in assessments are recapitulated including some methodological aspects (Weiner, 2009). Cultural aspects in evaluation of personality discussed are touched upon. Two case studies are used to show the real life situation of personality assessment. One of the most important findings, which has found acceptance in recent psychological research, is that testing cognitive ability is valid for a variety of different jobs. Personality tests and skills provide valuable information for certain well-defined positions, such as seller, buyer and worker in routine production. The interviews to study the person, carried out by expert psychologists are also useful when simplerShow MoreRelatedPersonality Assessments : Personality Assessment1205 Words  | 5 Pages Personality Assessment Review Miranda Basham Clarion University of Pennsylvania â€Æ' Personality Assessments A personality assessment is the measurement of personal characteristics (personality assessment | psychology). 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! The customer could possibly be angry because they made incorrect assumptions that caused improper expectations. Tell the customer that you have the issue and will apply your private effort to achieve effects. Whispered 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Secrets If you decide to be an independent essay writer, you can expect the exact same. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Nowadays it is quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. A number of the essays require that you describe what's happening and a number of them are about why it's happening. It is by far the most frequent kind of an argumentative essay. There are a few specific elements that are necessary in an argumentative essay. If you wish to learn more about the argumentative essay read a brief summary on four essay types within this guide. Writing an argumentative essay might seem a challenging job. Your writing has to be brief and concise. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. When you're attempting to begin your research paper you will need to get a fantastic outline and form some essential tips for research topics. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an appropriate writer for your paper. Argumentative essays are also referred to as position papers due to their justification of the side of the issue they are written in support of. Any superior task finishes with a fantastic conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentati ve essay will arrive in with a conclusion which has an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided. You're going to need to choose a topic first, but your topic needs to be something that has two conflicting points or distinct conclusions. When the topic was decided, it is crucial to come up with an argument surrounding the exact same. You're anticipated to persuade the readers with your arguments, so be certain that you include as many supporting academic parts of evidence as you're able to. At length, the conclusion comprises a restatement of the position and a succinct overview of the reasons and counters. You'll wind up lost without having the ability to make an argument and develop it correctly. A comprehensive argument As mentioned before, an argument does not need to be formal. Your introductory paragraph needs to be clear and concise just enjoy the example. Make sure you own a thesis statement and topic sentences for every single paragraph. Before concluding the essay, it is critical to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. There are some rather great examples of thesis statements which could be shown before. You can also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. Resolving a technical issue might be only pa rtially effective should it not also handle the customer emotional concerns. In here, you shouldn't introduce any new details. At precisely the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll locate evidence to support claims you make. If it's the very first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a lot of questions. You will need to understand how long you've got and how much you might write in the allocated time. Should you need extra assistance with editing and revising, there are a couple free tools readily available online. Even though it might seem that the customer doesn't care about what you've got to say in the beginning, bear in mind that the customer approached you for resolution. 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Features Today the internet enables people to make statements about things happening on the opposing side of the Earth, but based only on what they have seen on the monitor. It's not effective to interrupt the customer if he or she's venting combustible sentiments. Eventually the customer must lower her or his voice to hear what you're saying.
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! The customer could possibly be angry because they made incorrect assumptions that caused improper expectations. Tell the customer that you have the issue and will apply your private effort to achieve effects. Whispered 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Secrets If you decide to be an independent essay writer, you can expect the exact same. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Nowadays it is quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. A number of the essays require that you describe what's happening and a number of them are about why it's happening. It is by far the most frequent kind of an argumentative essay. There are a few specific elements that are necessary in an argumentative essay. If you wish to learn more about the argumentative essay read a brief summary on four essay types within this guide. Writing an argumentative essay might seem a challenging job. Your writing has to be brief and concise. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. When you're attempting to begin your research paper you will need to get a fantastic outline and form some essential tips for research topics. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an appropriate writer for your paper. Argumentative essays are also referred to as position papers due to their justification of the side of the issue they are written in support of. Any superior task finishes with a fantastic conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentati ve essay will arrive in with a conclusion which has an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided. You're going to need to choose a topic first, but your topic needs to be something that has two conflicting points or distinct conclusions. When the topic was decided, it is crucial to come up with an argument surrounding the exact same. You're anticipated to persuade the readers with your arguments, so be certain that you include as many supporting academic parts of evidence as you're able to. At length, the conclusion comprises a restatement of the position and a succinct overview of the reasons and counters. You'll wind up lost without having the ability to make an argument and develop it correctly. A comprehensive argument As mentioned before, an argument does not need to be formal. Your introductory paragraph needs to be clear and concise just enjoy the example. Make sure you own a thesis statement and topic sentences for every single paragraph. Before concluding the essay, it is critical to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. There are some rather great examples of thesis statements which could be shown before. You can also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. Resolving a technical issue might be only pa rtially effective should it not also handle the customer emotional concerns. In here, you shouldn't introduce any new details. At precisely the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll locate evidence to support claims you make. If it's the very first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a lot of questions. You will need to understand how long you've got and how much you might write in the allocated time. Should you need extra assistance with editing and revising, there are a couple free tools readily available online. Even though it might seem that the customer doesn't care about what you've got to say in the beginning, bear in mind that the customer approached you for resolution. 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Features Today the internet enables people to make statements about things happening on the opposing side of the Earth, but based only on what they have seen on the monitor. It's not effective to interrupt the customer if he or she's venting combustible sentiments. Eventually the customer must lower her or his voice to hear what you're saying.
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples and Why You Must Take Action Today Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Use the assistance of true academic experts and receive the service you have earned! The customer could possibly be angry because they made incorrect assumptions that caused improper expectations. Tell the customer that you have the issue and will apply your private effort to achieve effects. Whispered 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Secrets If you decide to be an independent essay writer, you can expect the exact same. The essay should have a little structure, unlike a normal essay. Nowadays it is quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. A number of the essays require that you describe what's happening and a number of them are about why it's happening. It is by far the most frequent kind of an argumentative essay. There are a few specific elements that are necessary in an argumentative essay. If you wish to learn more about the argumentative essay read a brief summary on four essay types within this guide. Writing an argumentative essay might seem a challenging job. Your writing has to be brief and concise. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. When you're attempting to begin your research paper you will need to get a fantastic outline and form some essential tips for research topics. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an appropriate writer for your paper. Argumentative essays are also referred to as position papers due to their justification of the side of the issue they are written in support of. Any superior task finishes with a fantastic conclusion and the very best examples of the argumentati ve essay will arrive in with a conclusion which has an overview of all of the points together with a gist of the evidences provided. You're going to need to choose a topic first, but your topic needs to be something that has two conflicting points or distinct conclusions. When the topic was decided, it is crucial to come up with an argument surrounding the exact same. You're anticipated to persuade the readers with your arguments, so be certain that you include as many supporting academic parts of evidence as you're able to. At length, the conclusion comprises a restatement of the position and a succinct overview of the reasons and counters. You'll wind up lost without having the ability to make an argument and develop it correctly. A comprehensive argument As mentioned before, an argument does not need to be formal. Your introductory paragraph needs to be clear and concise just enjoy the example. Make sure you own a thesis statement and topic sentences for every single paragraph. Before concluding the essay, it is critical to summarise with a strong emphasis on the subject. There are some rather great examples of thesis statements which could be shown before. You can also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. Resolving a technical issue might be only pa rtially effective should it not also handle the customer emotional concerns. In here, you shouldn't introduce any new details. At precisely the same time, it also needs to be simple to research, that way you'll locate evidence to support claims you make. If it's the very first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a lot of questions. You will need to understand how long you've got and how much you might write in the allocated time. Should you need extra assistance with editing and revising, there are a couple free tools readily available online. Even though it might seem that the customer doesn't care about what you've got to say in the beginning, bear in mind that the customer approached you for resolution. 4th Grade Argumentative Essay Samples Features Today the internet enables people to make statements about things happening on the opposing side of the Earth, but based only on what they have seen on the monitor. It's not effective to interrupt the customer if he or she's venting combustible sentiments. Eventually the customer must lower her or his voice to hear what you're saying.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Christmas Project Interviewing Santa Claus Free Essays
I would guess our deal of 10 tons of cookies still counts? R: Absolutely! Fifty trucks from Centuries News Delivery are parking right in your enormous front yard. SC (laugh): Now that’s what I want to hear. According to our deal, you get your five minutes. We will write a custom essay sample on Christmas Project: Interviewing Santa Claus or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hurry up because the spell wears away quickly. R: Right into our first question from 9-year-old Mr.. Augustine. Santa Claus, how do you know we are naughty or nice for the whole year when you only come to see us for one night on Christmas Eve? SC: (Its supposed to be a secret, but since we have a deal I will share it with you, only you though. All y little elves who work for me, only a few are making presents now because everything is easily made by machine. In the old time, say before 2050, I have to make them work overtime on the days before Christmas. They spy the children for about a week and talk with the children’s parents to figure out if they are naughty or nice. I believe children are mostly nice in the bottom of their hearts because they are born with love, and they are not contaminated by the world. That’s why I linger my eyes on the â€Å"naughty†kids for a little bit longer, and can always find their little hearts lit with love. Nowadays, since aging presents doesn’t need the elves any more, I send them to each house all year round to watch the children, and of course to help them to be good in various ways. They are invisible under my spell, but on Christmas Eve I need to use the magic power to send gifts to children, so the magic power disappears and they become visible again. So, if you see a little elf running away from your house on Christmas Eve, don’t fret and try to say hello to him. R: Oh my world! You’d better watch out, because there are invisible elves living in your house! SC (wink): That’s right. I always have my eyes on you. R: Our next question is from 7-year-old Mr.. Chris. It’s also a question from all of us. How do you make the reindeer fly? SC: Now this is a hard question. My reindeer only fly on Christmas Eve. Their magic power does not just pop out. The truth is, all the power that is stored throughout the year is used on Christmas Eve to deliver presents. Normally, I cannot fly up the chimneys, carry all those presents or drive a flying sleigh. The power Of love, kindness, goodness and faith on me from each family all over the world gathers in their chimneys and goes through the factory to power the machine. The rest of the power goes into my reindeer so we can fly on Christmas Eve together. R: How fascinating! The present factory is not powered by some special magic or the elves, but love. SC: Oh, yes. Love is the most beautiful and powerful magic in this world. The more love in this world, the more presents can be produced, and the more hearts will receive warmth and joy. (smile) R: Here’s my last question from 5-year-old Miss. Jimmie, and this is also a question have been wondering myself. Santa Claus, how old are you? Do you have any family who love you and live with you? SC Lowly laughter): Such a sweet little girl! Of course you too. I existed since the year 280 in Turkey. Since then, I am favored in Holland, Switzerland, Germany, and many other places in Europe. I was not popular in America until Washington Irving and Clement Moore introduced me in the asses. Thus, am more than 1700 years old, but my memory gets vague for things a thousand years ago. As for my family, I exist because there are all those children who love me and believe in me. They ARE my family, and don’t need any more than that. Besides, have all my little elves and nine reminders who live with me. I am much loved and very happy. You don’t need to worry about me. Ifs my job to bring joy to all of you. R: Thank you very much, Santa Claus. It was a wonderful time talking to you, but our time is about to end. At the end of the interview, do you have anything to say to our little audience all over the world who are watching us? SC (joyfully): To all the children in this world a happy new year and a good night! Be good this year and I will come to you again (wink). See you all on Christmas Eve! (wave) carry all those presents or drive a flying sleigh. How to cite Christmas Project: Interviewing Santa Claus, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Having Hands In The Pokets Essays - Pros And Cons
Pros and Cons Of having Hands in the Pokets Let American Consumer Counseling Help you Get Out of Debt! Pros and Cons Of having Hands in the Pokets There are far more pros for students having their hands in their pockets. Nevertheless lets look at the comparisons and weigh up the results of the two anyway. Lets look at the cons to start with. The main con is that Mr Pinto is against students having hands in their pockets. Still why is Mr Pinto against hands in pockets? As he has explained he feels that it is disrespectful, for he believes that when your hands are in your pockets you are not listening properly. Also there is the belief of the nineteen sixties and seventies that when young men or women have their hands in their pockets it will lead to them masturbating. This was frowned upon at the time whereas now it is more acceptable. This may also be a contributing factor to why Mr pinto has made a stand against hands in the pockets. For he is old enough to have lived through and taken in these rudimentary views (no disrespect intended). However the pros can easily rebut the allegation of the Cons. Young men as energetic as they will be are constantly requiring to do something. Think of the pockets as a restraining device to prevent fidgeting and fooling around with other students. In this way the pockets prevent students from being distracted from the speaker or the subject they should be observant of. This prevents the students from having a disrespectful response. Then comes the comfort factor. Students claim that it is more comfortable to have their hands in their pockets when they are standing up. Heed that it is proven that people have longer attention spans, listen more attentively, and remain calmer and more relaxed when more comfortable. This leads to a greater increase in the productivity of the student's actions or listening skills. As it has been proven Students having their hands in their pockets will make them better and more attentive listeners and prevent them from getting up to mischief. Is better the students have their hands in their own pockets than be fooling around in someone else's.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Learn the Italian Calendar Months
Learn the Italian Calendar Months You want to tell your language partner when you’re going to Italy for a vacation, and that’s when you realize you’re not sure how to say you’re arriving in May and leaving in July. What were the vocabulary words for those months again? In case you need a quick review or are learning these months for the first time, here is a list of the months to help you use them in daily conversation along with example sentences and cocktail party facts. I Mesi - The Months January - gennaioFebruary - febbraioMarch - marzoApril - aprileMay - maggioJune - giugnoJuly - luglioAugust - agostoSeptember - settembreOctober - ottobreNovember - novembreDecember - dicembre Cocktail party fact: Notice that the first letter of the month isn’t capitalized in Italian. In case you were wondering, the days of the week and the seasons aren’t capitalized either. Some Examples Vado in Italia a maggio per tre mesi. - I’m going to Italy in May for three months.Parto per l’Italia a luglio. - I’m leaving for Italy in July.L’anno scorso sono stato in Italia da settembre a dicembre. - Last year I was in Italy from September to December.Il mio migliore amico abita in Italia sei mesi all’anno da gennaio a giugno. - My best friend lives in Italy for six months of the year from January to June.Il mio compleanno à ¨ il diciotto di aprile, quindi il mio segno zodiacale à ¨ l’ariete. - My birthday is April 18, so my zodiac sign is Aries.La festa sar a marzo. - The party will be in March.Vorrei andare in Danimarca a settembre, ma devo frequentare le lezioni. - I would like to go to Denmark in September, but I have to go to my classes.Ogni febbraio c’à ¨ una celebrazione dell’amore si chiama Il Giorno di San Valentino. - Each February there is a celebration of love called Valentine’s Day.Siamo ad ottobre! - We’re in October!/It’s October! Which Prepositions to UseWith Months Typically when you talk about an activity happening in a certain month, you use the preposition â€Å"a†before it to mean the English definition of â€Å"in†. In the examples above, you may have also seen the use of â€Å"da†, which mirrors the English definition of â€Å"from†when separating a distance of months. Finally, you also saw â€Å"di†precede a month, and that was used to indicate possession since it was a birthday. Why Was September the 7th Month Instead of the 9th Month? During the Roman empire, September was considered the 7th month, October the 8th, November the 9th, and so on. Why is that? According to the University of Chicago, after around 753 BCE, the Roman calendar began in March instead of January and only consisted of ten months instead of twelve. This structure was created by King Romulus and was based on a combination of the lunar cycles and the agricultural seasons. However, structuring the calendar in this way wasn’t as effective because the lunar cycles didn’t match up with the earth’s rotation around the sun and therefore didn’t accurately pair with the seasons.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Roman Republic and Its Government
The Roman Republic and Its Government The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C. when the Romans expelled the Etruscan kings and set up their own government. Having witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and aristocracy and democracy among the Greeks, they opted for a mixed form of government, with three branches. This innovation became known as a republican system. The strength of the republic is the system of checks and balances, which aims to find a consensus between the desires of the various branches of government. The Roman Constitution outlined these checks and balances, but in an informal way. Most of the constitution was unwritten and laws were upheld by precedent. The Republic lasted 450 years until the territorial gains of the Roman civilization stretched its governance to the limit. A series of strong rulers called Emperors emerged with Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., and their reorganization of the Roman form of government ushered in the Imperial period. Branches of Roman Republican Government Consuls: Two consuls with supreme civil and military authority held the highest office in Republican Rome. Their power, which was shared equally and which lasted only one year, was reminiscent of the monarchial power of the king. Each consul could veto the other, they led the army, served as judges, and had religious duties. At first, the consuls were patricians, from famous families. Later laws encouraged plebeians to campaign for the consulship; eventually one of the consuls had to be a plebeian. After a term as consul, a Roman man joined the Senate for life. After 10 years, he could campaign for consulship again. The Senate: While the consuls had executive authority, it was expected that they would follow the advice of Rome’s elders. The Senate (senatus council of elders) predated the Republic, having been founded in the Eighth Century B.C. It was an advisory branch, initially composed of about 300 patricians who served for life. The ranks of the Senate were drawn from ex-consuls and other officers, who also had to be landowners. Plebeians were eventually admitted to the Senate as well. The primary focus of the Senate was Rome’s foreign policy, but they had great jurisdiction in civil affairs as well, as the Senate controlled the treasury. The Assemblies: The most democratic branch of the Roman Republican form of government were the assemblies. These large bodies - there were four of them - made some voting power available to many Roman citizens (but not all, as those who lived in the outreaches of the provinces still lacked meaningful representation). The Assembly of Centuries (comitia centuriata), was composed of all members of the army, and it elected consuls annually. The Assembly of Tribes (comitia tributa), which contained all citizens, approved or rejected laws and decided issues of war and peace.The Comitia Curiata was composed of 30 local groups, and was elected by the Centuriata, and served mostly a symbolic purpose for Rome’s founding families. The Concilium Plebis represented the plebeians.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Redemption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Redemption - Research Paper Example In the article, Narrative Antecedents of Pedro Paramo, Paramo exhibits a significant influence on different characters making them to cling into fragile illusions of redemption. Both Susana and Fulgor Sedano are major characters in the novel who have a major influence in plot development. This essay will therefore explore the memory of each character through their relationship with Pedro. The essay will also explore the fragile illusion exhibited by the different characters through their relationship with Pedro. Susan is a major character in the novel and the author uses her influence and relationship with Pedro in theme and plot development. Susan and Pedro grew up together and therefore their relationship is based on their childhood memories. The most significant aspect of their relationship is their endless love. Although Pedro was influential, his love affairs with Susana are based on love and mutual understanding. On the other hand, Susana is attached to Pedro through his past m emories of a loveless life. Although Susan ended up being married to another man, her love for Pedro did not end. Romantic love is therefore, the first relationship between the two characters. The existence of love between the two characters is the basis of other relationships that are exhibited by the two characters throughout the novel. ... Her secrete admiration for Pedro is based on her relationship with her past husband. Although she was married, she never loved him as he loved Pedro. This made her to have endless fantasies about Pedro particularly his body was among her dreams. Susan could not divorce her husband for Pedro and therefore she considered Pedro as her virtual husband. Fulgor is another influential charter that the writer of the book uses for theme and plot development. The author uses his relationship with Pedro to achieve these objectives. Although Pedro has an influential personality, he considers Fulgor been significant for his success. The two characters therefore have equal influence on each other. Firstly, Fulgor is an influential administrator who uses his positions to increase his holdings or wealth. (Rulfo 82) Although Fulgor has authoritative positions, he was unable to achieve his ambitions due to lack of effective people skills. Pedro assumes the position of Fulgor’s personal advisor. Although the relationship is beneficial for both characters, Pedro achieves more gains from the relationship than Fulgor. Fulgor’s ambitions to achieve wealth hindered him from perceiving the gains that Pedro was making from their relationship. In addition, his poor people skills prevented him from looking for an alternative advisor. It is evident that Pedro had excellent people skills that he achieved through manipulation of different people in order to achieve his personal goals. Both Fulgor and Pedro depended on these aspects for their existence. Although Pedro acted as Fulgor’s personal advisor, he required him for his personal success and survival. The administrative position that Fulgor held was an essential requirement for Pedro’s
Monday, February 3, 2020
Digital Technology and Cinema Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Digital Technology and Cinema Culture - Essay Example Let the paper analyze some of the specific examples that had some direct positive impact over the cinema culture and its horizon. The simplest example is that of video editing that comprised extensive efforts and demanded a huge amount of money before the technology entered the market. However, with the digital revolution, the visual effects tools made it easier for the filmmakers to manipulate the video in any form they wanted with desired animation and other editing. In 1984, computers such as Macintosh came in the market that were specially designed to have a graphical user interface, these were first ever of its kind that penetrated into the world of cinema giving it even more fame and multiplicity (Willis, pp.7, 2005). More tools such as Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash and all the other kinds gave more horizon to the cinema culture and gave the filmmakers access to perform multiple tasks with perfection and novelty. The seque nces of images, special effects, distinctive colouring, imaginative animations and much more merely became possible with digital technology revolution (Willis, pp.7-8, 2005). It helped the cinema culture attract and gain more audience as compared to the earlier decades. Subsequently, when producing a film became comparatively hassle-free, more people started investing in this business and thus, the number cinemas grew with an increasing film being produced every year with the use of digital technology. Apart from the latest technological tools used by the cinema industry, the inventions such as newly-designed cameras and video-capturing tools that had modernized elements with specially designed features and functions made the videos look a lot more fascinating and compelling. On the contrary, cinema might have assumed new venues of popularity and fame due to digital technology and its implications on the cinema culture but, on the other hand, digital technology penetrated in the mar ket in such a fast pace that people became more interested in buying those technologies and making them a part of their aesthetically designed house. People started enjoying their micro cinemas at home rather than taking out time and going to the proper cinemas outside their comfortable houses (Lister, pp.22-23, 2001). The preference of buying techno products such as plasma screens, advanced audio speakers and other appliances became more preferable and a status quo than being interested in going to the cinemas to watch movies and other shows. It is possible that many of us must have heard about Marshall McLuhan’s popular phrase Medium is the Message. McLuhan, quite reasonably and with valid points, suggests that the medium that is used to convey any type of message or information holds a significant importance in the pace of that information being carried to the receivers (Yamamoto, pp. 500-501, 1998). It depends on the medium that is used to convey a message, that how long would it take for the message to reach to its targeted audience and how far would the message go. Thus, the influence of the message is not the message itself but, the way used to send it. This means that the receivers or the intended message focus more upon and take more interest over the kind of medium utilized. Their preference depends upon how effective is the medium and how much do they like it. The acceptability of the message is thus a later factor. In the same way, it is said that cinema comprises those elements that lure and attract the young generation more than any
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Silver Lining in the Sky A Story
Silver Lining in the Sky A Story Silver Lining in the Sky We often come to here the proverb that life is not bed of roses. It may seem the old and overused statement, but, it really is true. We often judge happiness pleasure in lives by economic prosperity, which does not holds true for all the cases. People may have a lot of money, but, are still unhappy and have forlorn because they feel that money cannot buy everything for them. and in case of lack of prosperity, the life itself became difficult because a person fails to fulfill his dreams and cannot buy or get according to his wishes. People may have experiences that may change affect their whole life and transform them to a completely different one. Such experiences can either make a person a sad loser or transform him to a successful and wise person, these results are dependent on the personality of the person and how he sees his situation o r world. I have listened about and observed a person who with the power of optimism and hopefulness changed his miserable and depressed life into the a shining example for everyone. This narrative is about one of the sons of our maid Zainab, who used to work in our since our childhood. I have not seen anyone so honest and dedicated in her life, as Zainab. When I was toddler, she was a middle aged woman and had two sons and one daughter. With the time she spent I our home and the long time for which she worked, she was considered the most entrusted servant of our house and we use to leave our house in her supervision alone and go for hours, but, never found anything misplaced or stolen. The long detail about Zainab is actually related to her son also. My mom told me that Zainab was not always the same poor and unfortunate women. She herself belonged to an uneducated and mediocre family, but, her husband was a really rich man and against the Arabic traditions, he married Zainab without consultation from his family, that’s why his family stayed away from him forever. Her husband used to work as the successful broker in stock exchange, but, unluckily, he invested in a unsuccessful company hoping that later it will bring more money to him, but his plan failed and he lost all money. This happened after eight years of his marriage with Zainab. A few weeks after that the family was travelling and they got into accident, her husband died on spot her elder son Khalid apparently bruised his legs only. The death of Khalid’s mother came as real loss for the family, with no sources of income and lack of education, unfortunately Zainab had to go to peoples home and work as maid. She used to work her in several homes to feed them. Khalid was seven, when his mother started working as maid. Initially he got really depressed, when he had to see his mother sweeping the floors of others because he himself led the life, where people used to do work for them. Khalid became really quiet after the death of his father and also really sensitive. Being the eldest he realized that he has to take care of his siblings, but, still the difference in lifestyle and daily routine put a lot of pressure on the nerves of the child. He was always a happy and confident child, but, he started having nightmares and never wanted to leave his mother’s side. He used to wonder why all this happened to him and his family. It was the time he started getting lazy and also started complaining about pain in his legs. Initially everyone felt that he could not adjust in accordance with the present circumstances. His complaining did not stop and with the passage of time deformation in his legs were observed. Later his mother took him to doctor. After looking at his condition, the dr. inquired, whether Khalid was vaccinated for polio, the mother denied any such knowledge. After tests, it was revealed that Khalid had polio and had become paralyzed for his life. It was another shock for the family, but, his strong hearted mother always consoled him and taught his to see silver lining in the sky. With the passage of time Khalid learned that life without hope s useless. But, he was still young boy at that time. Lives without father and also as a paralyzed person seem to be really difficult for him. The real shock came after world. When his father lost his fortune, most of their acquaintances left them on their ow n, like they had contact ad acquaintances with them only because of their fortune. Even their family friends left them. He used to wonder, why people stopped meeting them and coming to their house. He didn’t realize anything until his father died and they were left alone in the world and without any financial aid. Soon after his mother started working as the maid for people, the remaining people stopped their contact and even forbade their children to play with them. They also have to shift in a smaller place, which was in a slum. Their new friends and acquaintances were the people of that slum. When he got polio, even his new friends started teasing him for his present condition and used to call him by the names of handicap, disfigured and game legged. Hearing such words and being called by his fellows was a real pain for him. He was also fond of soccer before his disability; the pain that he cannot play soccer for ever brought his more pain in the heart. The main issue was that due to lack of finances, he did not have clutches or wheelchair. It means that he was totally dependent on the other for his movements and the daily routine. Most pain came from the fact that, in the slums people were illiterate and had no knowledge of disease polio. Most of the people thought that it was an infectiou s disease and told their children not to visit Khalid again. How much pain the little boy might have suffered after losing fortune, father and later his friends, who were the only hope at that difficult time? In that time of despair, his mother used to tell him that how they were facing difficulties because she was not educated and did not have awareness about the necessity and essentiality of vaccination. He learned from his mother that a person can bring positive change in his life by studying because it is only education that can bring prosperity and happiness in their lives. He started taking interest in studies, with the help of one of his employers, Zainab sent her son to a public school. Initially the little boy also got rejected from most of his fellow students, but, his hope and vision of future did not let him go astray. Whenever he felt dejected, his mother was always there to console him. In spite of behavior of his fellow students, he continued to work hard and gave proper attention to his studies. He never felt ashamed that he as to ask a question again and again because he did not get that first time. His attitude helped him to clear his concepts, which later helped him in increase in his knowledge. At the end of that academic year, Khalid got second position in his class. It was after that, he felt that behavior of his fellow students started changing with him. He was listened to and was respected by his fellow students. This made him realize that how education can help him to earn respect. But, still that was not the end of his misfortunes, the time in which he was supposed to take admission in high school, his youngest sister got really ill and the money that had been set aside for his admission in high school was spent on his sister’s treatment. His sister was playing when she tripped while running and a piece of metal entered her arm near wrist. That was a really deep cut and she lost a lot of blood. He used to love his youngest sister a lot and could not see her in such pain. He started thinking that due to lack of money he could not get admission in high school and his beloved sister could not get better treatment. They had to take their sister out of hospital early because they did not have enough money. In her home her stitches got infected, but, they could not take her to hospital. Later the infection spread in her whole arm and they had to cut it, in order to save rest of her body. This was another shock for Khalid, as he felt really helpless because he could not help his sister. He even thought of leaving further education, but, again the hope that his education can help them to survive in this world helped him to continue struggling. Khalid was really bright student and watching this, my father gave money for his admission in highs school. In high school, he worked even harder and passed with distinction. This gave him opportunity to take admission in college with scholarship. He got admission in the college with scholar ship and chose accounting as the major. In spite of being the difficult subject, his hard work helped him to make it easier for him. This path was also not easy for him. Here also, he had to bear the typical attitude of the people towards handicapped. Some totally rejected him and some gave more than necessary attention to him. He always wanted to be treated as normal people, but, his wish was never fulfilled. He showed even better result here and later on scholarship got admission in Chartered Accountancy course. The path was although difficult for him, but was not possible to achieve. He believed that his hard work could help him to achieve whatever he wanted. But, in meantime, his mother got ill and they lost their source of finances temporarily. In order to feed his family and get money for her treatment, he had to take tuitions. But, the expensive were more and the tuitions that he used to give students could not get him enough money. Because of this pressure, he had to leave studies temporarily. He requested for his semester to be frozen and took a minor job at an office. This job along with the tuitions enabled him to give proper treatment to his mother. After the period of six months his mother got recovered and went on her previous job. He continued his studies, but, still gave tuitions because it helped his sibling to get a slightly better living. His efforts and hard work gave his fruits when he passed Chartered Accountancy exam with distinction. His excellent educational record and personal traits like perseverance and hard work helped him to get job in on of the top accountancy firms of the country. He got two promotions in the time of five years and now he is working as a successful professional and his family is leading really good life with better lifestyle. Their family still visits us occasionally and the company and the life of Khalid taught me that nothing is difficult in life. We may face difficulties and misfortunes, but, instead of giving importance to them, we should keep our focus on the silver lining in the sky. Khalid once said that his disability proved to be an actual opportunity in disguise. Because before this disability, he was not serious and determined about doing anything good with his life, later, with the encouragement of his mother he learned the importance of education and hope. He believes that life without hope is nothing. After watching him and listening about his journey, I came to realize that the difficulties in life cannot stop a person from doing anything good because when there is hope and will there is always a promise of better future.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Newspaper article Essay
In this essay I talked about literary elements such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphors being used very well in the book â€Å"The Things They Carried: by Tim O’Brien. I wrote about Tim O’Brien who is the author of The Things They Carried; O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota. When he was twelve, his family, including a younger sister and brother, moved to Worthington, Minnesota. His writing career was launched in 1973 with the release of If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, about his war experiences and how in on attribute of O’Brien’s work is the blur between fiction and reality; labeled â€Å"Verisimilitude,†his work contains actual details of the situations he experienced. Although this is a common literary technique, his conscious, explicit, and metafictional approach to the distinction between fact and fiction is a unique component of his writing style. In the chapter â€Å"Good Form†in The Things They Carried, O’Brien casts a distinction between â€Å"story-truth†(the truth of fiction) and â€Å"happening-truth†(the truth of fact or occurrence), writing that â€Å"story-truth is sometimes truer than happening-truth.†Story truth is emotional truth; thus the feeling created by a fictional story is sometimes truer than what results from reading the facts. I wrote about some symbolism such as the dead young Vietnamese soldier being killed by O’Brien with a grenade. I wrote about imagery such as â€Å"The Man I Killed†, because it goes into details with things like â€Å"thinking repeatedly of the star-shaped hole that is in the place of his eye and the peeled-back cheek†and also like â€Å"a Vietnamese girl of fourteen dances through the wreckage though most of her village has burned to the ground and her family has been burned to death by the American soldiers†. I also wrote about metaphors such as the sewage field and how in â€Å"In the Field,†(the field here being both the sewage field that drowned Kiowa and the combat zone) O’Brien discusses the blame for Kiowa’s death in the sewage field – or, the drowning of American goodness in poop. Outline I. Introduction Thesis Author II. Symbolism Kiowa â€Å"The Dead Young Vietnamese Soldier†III. Imagery â€Å"The Man I Killed†â€Å"Style†IV. Metaphors The Lake/ Field â€Å"The Things They Carried†VI. Conclusion Thesis In the book â€Å"The Things They Carried†many literary elements such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphors are used very well. Tim O’Brien is the author of The Things They Carried; O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota. When he was twelve, his family, including a younger sister and brother, moved to Worthington, Minnesota, a city that once billed itself as â€Å"the turkey capital of the world.†Worthington had a large influence on O’Brien’s imagination and early development as an author. The town is located on Lake Okabena in the western portion of the state and serves as the setting for some of his stories, especially those in the novel The Things They Carried. He earned his BA in Political Science from Macalester College, where he was Student Body President, in 1968. That same year he was drafted into the United States Army and was sent to Vietnam, where he served from 1968 to 1970 in the 3rd Platoon, Company A, 5th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Division. He served in the division that contained a unit involved in the infamous My Lai Massacre. O’Brien has said that when his unit got to the area around My Lai (referred to as â€Å"Pinkville†by the U.S. forces), â€Å"we all wondered why the place was so hostile. We did not know there had been a massacre there a year earlier. The news about that only came out later, while we were there, and then we knew. Upon completing his tour of duty, O’Brien went on to graduate school at Harvard University and received an internship at the Washington Post. His writing career was launched in 1973 with the release of If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, about his war experiences. One attribute in O’Brien’s work is the blur between fiction and reality; labeled â€Å"Verisimilitude,†his work contains actual details of the situations he experienced. Although this is a common literary technique, his conscious, explicit, and metafictional approach to the distinction between fact and fiction is a unique component of his writing style. In the chapter â€Å"Good Form†in The Things They Carried, O’Brien casts a distinction between â€Å"story-truth†(the truth of fiction) and â€Å"happening-truth†(the truth of fact or occurrence), writing that â€Å"story-truth is sometimes truer than happening-truth.†Story truth is emotional truth; thus the feeling created by a fictional story is sometimes truer than what results from reading the facts. Certain sets of stories in The Things They Carried seem to contradict each other, and certain stories are designed to â€Å"undo†the suspension of disbelief created in previous stories; for example, â€Å"Speaking of Courage†is followed by â€Å"Notes†, which explains in what ways â€Å"Speaking of Courage†is fictional. O’Brien won the 1979 National Book Award for, Going After Cacciato. Also his novel, In the Lake of the Woods, won the James Fenimore Cooper Prize for Best Historical Fiction in 1995. His most recent novel is July, July. In these paragraphs I will talk about examples of symbolism and what they mean. Kiowa is a good example of symbolism, a compassionate and talkative soldier; he demonstrates the importance of talking about one’s problems and traumatic experiences. He is also a devout Baptist and a Native American that occasionally feels contempt and distrust towards white people. However, he appears to be Tim O’Brien’s best friend in the company. Kiowa often helps other soldiers deal with their own actions, such as taking the lives of other human beings. Kiowa’s death is symbolic of the senseless tragedy of war. He dies in a gruesome way, drowning under the muck of a sewage field about which his lieutenant, Jimmy Cross, has a bad feeling. Kiowa’s entirely submerged body represents the transitory nature of life and the horrifying suddenness with which it can be snatched away. There is no dignity to Kiowa’s death; he becomes another casualty in a war that strips men of their identity and turns them into statistics. The dead young Vietnamese soldier is another example of symbolism. O’Brien is unclear about whether or not he actually threw a grenade and killed a man outside My Khe, his memory of the man’s corpse is strong and recurring, symbolizing humanity’s guilt over war’s horrible acts. In â€Å"The Man I Killed,†O’Brien distances himself from the memory by speaking in the third person and constructing fantasies as to what the man must have been like before he was killed. O’Brien marvels at the wreckage of his body, thinking repeatedly of the star-shaped hole that is in the place of his eye and the peeled-back cheek. The description serves to distance O’Brien from the reality of his actions because nowhere in its comprehensive detail are O’Brien’s feelings about the situation mentioned. His guilt is evident, however, in his imagining of a life for the man he killed that includes several aspects that are similar to his own life. In these next paragraphs I will be talking about some examples of imagery. The chapter â€Å"The Man I Killed†is an example, because it goes into details with things like â€Å"thinking repeatedly of the star-shaped hole that is in the place of his eye and the peeled-back cheek†(chapter 12). The chapter â€Å"Style†has great imagery with quotes like â€Å"a Vietnamese girl of fourteen dances through the wreckage though most of her village has burned to the ground and her family has been burned to death by the American soldiers.†(Chapter 14). In The book The Things They Carried, Metaphors are also used. Tim O’Brien uses examples such as The Lake/ Field as an example, in â€Å"In the Field,†(the field here being both the sewage field that drowned Kiowa and the combat zone) O’Brien discusses the blame for Kiowa’s death in the sewage field – or, in keeping with our metaphor, the drowning of American goodness in poop. The soldiers all feel guilty in one way or another – for following orders instead of trusting the Vietnamese, for a moment of stupidity in the field, or for their own brutal and disrespectful natures. Jimmy Cross and Norman Bowker both reflect that the blame is universal. The ignoble death of American decency in war is everybody’s fault, in one way or another. O’Brien also uses chapters like â€Å"The Things They Carried†as metaphors such as, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha, a junior at Mount Sebastian College in New Jersey†(667). This begins Tim O’Brien’s short story â€Å"The Things They Carried.†The author will go on to list all the items carried by these soldiers, including helmets, canteens and ammunition. O’Brien uses the list of physical objects that the members of the Alpha Company carry in Vietnam as a window to the emotional burdens that these soldiers bear. One such burden is the necessity for the young soldiers to confront the tension between fantasy and reality. The realization of this tension disrupts Cross’s stint as the resident dreamer of the Alpha Company. Cross thinks that because he was so obsessed with his fantasy of Martha and the life they might lead after the war, he was negligent. He sees Ted Lavender’s death as the result of his negligence. If â€Å"The Things They Carried†is the illustration of the conflict between love and war, then the death of Ted Lavender and the subsequent disillusionment of Lieutenant Cross signify a triumph for war in this conflict. The emotional burdens that the soldiers bear are intensified by their young age and inexperience. Most of the men who fought in Vietnam were in their late teens and early twentiesâ€â€they were children, students, and boyfriends who had no perspective on how to rationalize killing or come to terms with their friends’ untimely deaths. From the beginning, O’Brien the author uses explicit details to illustrate what the experience was like for the scared men. Among the things the men carry are guilt and cowardice that they are neither able to admit to nor negotiate. Although they are sad for the loss of their friend Lavender, their predominant feeling is of relief, since they are still alive. So as you can see, in the book â€Å"The Things They Carried†many literary elements such as symbolism, imagery, and metaphors are used very well.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Site C - 1362 Words
Site C ââ€" In December 2014, the BC government made the decision to proceed with Site C, which would provide 1,100 MWs of capacity and about 5,100 GW/h of energy each year. ââ€" Prior to that decision, CEBC argued that a portfolio of renewables purchased over the same period would have significant benefits for the province and save taxpayers money. ââ€" The 2014 London Economics Study concluded that: o Private clean energy could save British Columbians $750 million to $1 billion during the 70-year economic life of Site C. o LEI cautioned that large planned industrial projects (i.e. LNG) can get delayed, impacting the ability for the market to absorb excess capacity from Site C. Instead of getting a large amount of energy at once, the†¦show more content†¦o There have been multiple lawsuits from First Nations attempting to stop Site C. Concerns include the flooding of approximately 5,550 hectares of traditional Indigenous land and heritage sites. †¢ The Federal Joint Review Panel found that Site C would result in significant adverse and cumulative environmental effects. These include: o Significant unmitigated losses to wildlife and rare plants, including losses to species under the Species at Risk Act and to game and plant resources preferred by Aboriginal peoples. o Significant unmitigated losses to fish and fish habitat, including three distinct sub-groups of fish preferred by Aboriginal peoples, one of which is federally listed as a species of special concern. o Losses of certain archaeological, historical and paleontological resources. o Social costs to farmers, ranchers, hunters, and other users of the Peace River valley. o Forced changes to the current use of lands and waters by signatories to Treaty 8, other First Nations and Mà ©tis. †¢ The current capital estimate for Site C sits at $8.775 billion. o This does not include $743 million in transmission line costs and costs for First Nation accommodation. o BC Hydro’s use of a 70 year debt amortization period extends beyond the expected life of the WAC Bennett dam and is double that provided for in the FederalShow MoreRelatedNyt Paywall Case603 Words  | 3 Pagesmarket. 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